Experimentation Resources
Building a program from the ground up
Experimentation at Yelp: Harvard Business School case on the work my team and I did to build the Yelp experimentation program
Building a Culture of Experimentation by Stefan Thomke
The Yelp Story: Building an Experimentation Program From the Ground Up by Rohan Katyal
Power analysis: [Primer](https://machinelearningmastery.com/statistical-power-and-power-analysis-in-python/#:~:text=Statistical power is the probability,effect size%2C and statistical power.), Calculator
Multiple comparison: Primer, Bonferroni correction
Sample ratio mismatch: Primer & Diagnosis
Confidence intervals
Simpson's Paradox
Avoiding the common gotchas
Ron Kohavi's talk on pitfalls in online controlled experiments
Good Experiment, Bad Experiment by Fareed Mosavat
Writing a great hypothesis
Darius Contractor's experimentation prioritization framework called EVELYN
The Growth Experiment Management System that Tripled Our Testing Velocity